St Kitts nevis Defence force

Dame Marcella Liburd

Her Excellency Dame Marcella Liburd, was sworn in at Government House on February 1, 2023, as the fifth Governor-General of St. Kitts and Nevis and took the role as Commander in Chief of the St Kitts and Nevis Defence Force.

Her Excellency Liburd has had a long and illustrious career spanning that of educator, lawyer, senator, first female Speaker of the National Assembly post-Independence, the first female to be elected Chairperson of the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party and first female Deputy National Leader of the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party, Member of Parliament and Minister of Government.

Having served as the Governor-General’s Deputy since September 2022, His Majesty King Charles III has appointed her as the first female Governor-General of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. This automatically made her the first female Commander in Chief of the St Kitts and Nevis Defence Force

Lt. Col. Anthony J. Comrie

Lt Col Anthony J. Comrie is the Commander of the St Kitts Nevis Defence Force

Maj. Walter A. Bass

Second in Command (2IC) St Kitts Nevis Defence Force

Maj. Lynn Wilkin

Aid-De-Camp (ADC) to the Governor General of St Kitts & Nevis, Dame Marcella Liburd

Lt. Zenra Ferdinand

Staff Officer Personnel (Ag) (S1), St Kitts Nevis Defence Force

Capt. jervin E. Lapsley

Staff Officer Operations & Training (SO3), St Kitts Nevis Defence Force

Capt. Gidell Smithen

Staff Officer Logistics (SO4), St Kitts Nevis Defence Force

Capt. Jason Maloney

Officer Commanding Alpha Company (OC), St Kitts Nevis Defence Force

Capt. kenish garnette

Officer Commanding St Kitts Nevis Defence Force Coast Guard (OC)

Capt. Regiwell Francis

Officer Commanding Bravo Company (AG), St Kitts Nevis Defence Force

Capt. Sylvester Charles

Officer Commanding Band Company, St Kitts Nevis Defence Force