Leadership in Action at the SKNDF

The Acting Commander of the St Kitts Nevis Defence Force, Major Kayode P Sutton recently engaged with the Volunteer Reserve Force element of the St Kitts Nevis Defence Force at Camp Springfield.

Major Kayode Sutton met with the Officer Commanding of the Reserve Force, along with other senior officers and sergeants to revitalize that key component of the SKNDF as we continue our mandate to the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis.

He thereafter met with all ranks and file of the Reserve Force to engage in a mentorship session, offering valuable guidance and insights to the staff. He also gave the soldiers an opportunity to voice their concerns within the organizations as to motivate and enhance the effectiveness of their performance.

A callup was made to all other Reservists of the SKNDF to resume duties as we actively engage in combating the rise illegal activities within the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis.

His commitment to fostering growth and development within the SKNDF is truly inspiring.

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