Reginal Security System (RSS) Training Institute Junior Leadership Course Level 3 CVQ

On Friday 13 September 2024, four (4) members of the St Kitts Nevis Defence Force, successfully completed the RSS TI Junior Leadership Course that was held at Fort Smith, Coast Guard Base, St Kitts.

LCPL Fredericks, LCPL Creary O, LCPL Vanterpool V and LCPL Eddy D were among twenty six other students including three (3) Police supervisors fron the Royal St Christopher and Nevis Police Force and other Police and Defence Forces across RSS member states.

The Junior Leadership Course aims to equip Junior leaders and mid level supervisors with the skills and knowledge necessary for effective supervision and leadership. The course ran for six (6) physically and mentally demanding weekw that emphasized the general supervision and leadership needed within the Forces, preparing participants for the responsibilities associated with their roles.

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