SKNDF Enhances Community Presence


The St Kitts Nevis Defence Force (SKNDF) took proactive steps to bolster community safety and reassurance on Friday, September 6, 2024. Through a series of strategic operations, the force demonstrated its commitment to serving and protecting the law-abiding citizens of Basseterre.


The SKNDF conducted a comprehensive operational presence throughout the city, including a route march through Mc Knight and Newtown. Tactical patrols and formations were also implemented, ensuring thorough coverage of byways and alleyways. This coordinated effort aimed to deter criminal activities and instill a sense of security among residents.

Key Points:

  • Community Engagement: The SKNDF’s visible presence and interaction with residents served as a powerful reminder of their commitment to safeguarding the community.
  • Proactive Measures: The tactical patrols and formations were strategic moves to deter potential criminal activity and maintain a strong deterrent effect.
  • Leadership by Example: Officer Commanding Capt Jason Maloney and 2IC Lt P Thomas led the route march, demonstrating the SKNDF’s dedication to serving as role models and fostering a united front.


The St Kitts Nevis Defence Force’s operational presence on September 6 underscores its ongoing efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of the community. By actively engaging with residents and maintaining a visible presence, the force reinforces its commitment to law and order and inspires confidence among the public.

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