St Kitts Nevis Defence Force Coast Guard
Sea Cadet


Cadet leadership

Sea Cadet

Why Should A Student Enroll In The Sea Cadet?
What Does Sea Cadet Stands For?
By enrolling in the SEA CADET, am I joining the military?
Will my son/daughter have to serve in the military if they join the SEA CADET?
At what age can I join the SEA CADET program?
Does the Sea Cadet program recruit for the Armed Forces?
Who instructs the students of the SEA CADET?
Is the SEA CADET program like boot camp?
How do you accomplish the SEA CADET Misison?
What can students expect to learn by participating in the SEA CADET program?
What to I get out of taking SEA CADET?
What makes SEA CADET different from other classes?
How much does the SEA CADET program cost?
Why do the students conduct drills or march?
Are students required to wear uniform?
Why do students wear uniform?
Are both girls and boys enrolled in CADETS?
Are there special rules students are required to follow?